Roundy’s (NYSE:RNDY)

RoundysRoundy’s is a publicly traded grocery store chain operating with 148 stores under four banners: Pick ’n Save, Copps, Metro Market and Mariano’s. The chain’s revenue in millions in 2014 was $3,855 and it employed approximately 21,802. Each Roundy’s operated market carries an average of 45,000 SKUs, with an assortment of grocery items including fresh produce, flowers and gifts, health and beauty products, and pharmacy. Their mission states that Roundy’s understands the lifestyle needs of consumers better than anyone. They deliver products and services in neighborhood stores that offer an engaging, interactive shopping experience on all levels, especially sight, smell and taste. They are an innovative company that: (1) Takes care of the customer, whatever it takes; (2) Values employees’ talents and skills; (3) Is known for integrity in all of their work; (4) Wins the hearts and minds of customers, employees, suppliers and partners; and (5) Involves and inspires all stakeholders to do their very best.

Roundy’s Good Jobs Score Overview

Customer/Employee Scores
Productivity/Customer Scores
Productivity/Employee Scores


Roundy’s Customer Score

ACSI currently doesn’t cover RNDY. The score shown above is an estimate.
Additional Customer Data

The Good Jobs Customer component is comprised of ACSI, Consumer Reports, and Yelp scores (see Methodology for more details). Although not part of the Good Jobs Score, the following table provides additional data on customer satisfaction.

  • RNDY ScoreIndustry Score
    Experience Rating INA79%
    Forgiveness Rating IINA47%
    Trust Rating IIINA68%
    Customer Service Rating IVNA65%
    Source: Temkin RatingsV
  • Find Pick-n-Save at ...


Roundy’s Employee Score

Pick-n-Save, Mariano’s Glassdoor Rating Trend
The Glassdoor rating used in the Good Jobs Score for RNDY is the average of all of Roundy’s retail brand’s ratings weighted by the number of respondents on Glassdoor. The only retail brand that is not represented on Glassdoor is Metro Market. Copps does not have enough trend data on Glassdoor to be shown here.
Additional Employee Data

The Good Jobs Employee component is comprised of Glassdoor and Indeed scores (see Methodology for more details). Although not part of the Good Jobs Score, the following charts provide additional data on employee satisfaction and level of unionization.

  • The above charts provide additional information as measured by They serve to show Roundy’s relative position to its peer-group and do not imply a causal relationship between the dimensions.


Roundy’s Productivity Score

Sales / SQFT
Sales / Employee
Inventory TurnoverVI
more performance data
Fiscal year end12/31/201112/29/201212/28/20131/3/2015
Number of employees18,03418,71021,16021,802
Number of stores131134136148
Total store sqft² (m)
Average store size (sqft²)61,25161,49862,17562,727
Revenue (m)$3,179$3,263$3,353$3,855
Gross margin (%)28.81%28.31%28.26%28.07%
EBITDA margin (%)5.72%5.04%4.24%3.14%
Same-store sales growth (%)0.00%-2.20%-2.20%-2.90%
Source: 10-K filings with the S.E.C.


Roundy’s CEO Robert A. Mariano

CEO-to-Cashier pay ratio
Pay ratio methodology
We follow a methodology established by the Economic Policy Institute. CEO compensation data is collected from Compustat’s annual executive compensation database and, where needed, extended by companies’ FAB 14A proxy filings with the S.E.C.. Hourly cashier compensation is collected from Glassdoor, with an average sample size of N=293. Annual cashier pay is estimated by multiplying hourly pay by 40 hours/week and 52 weeks.
CEO Approval
This metric, as collected by, represents a reviewer’s positive/neutral/negative rating of the current CEO. The CEO approval percentage is the share of reviewers who rate the CEO positively.


Roundy’s Disclosure Details

The following data are based on SASB disclosure recommendations for the Human Capital dimension in the restaurant industry. They will be updated once SASB provides recommendations for the retail industry.

Voluntary Turnover RateNot Reported
Involuntary Turnover RateNot Reported
Average Hourly Wage (by region)Not Reported
% of Employees at Minimum WageNot Reported
Amount of legal/regulatory fines and settlements associated with labor law violationsNot Reported
Amount of tax credit received for hiring through enterprise zone programs
(these State and Local government programs encourage companies to create jobs in specific geographic area targeted for economic revitalization)
Not Reported

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